Insert the IP address where "Caronte Antispam" will be listening. for “INADRESS_ANY”
For the SMTP port number, the RFC protocoll indicate “25”, but it can be changed in case of very particular and customized configuration, as cluster of RELAY HOST and WAN on LAN configuration.
LOG Level
In Caronte Antispam the logs are in XML format and based on the choosen level you can get the number of information that you want.
For the log level consult the section "caronte log"
SMTP destination server
To capitalize on the transport capacity of Caronte Antispam, it's need to examine and understand some basic concepts on PROXY SNIFF.
A SMTP PROXY software like Caronte Antispam, needs a real cooperation with a MTA service, for better do own work.
The SMTP destination server is the older brother of Caronte Antispam, that not only has an installed SMTP service, must plenty implement the MTA transport functions based on RFC821 protocol and has AUTH LOGIN extension, specially if the cooperation is LOCALHOST.
There are three different ways to activate the cooperation:
- Single SMTP destination
- Cooperation with load distributions by cluster
- Single destination with backup server support
SMTP single destination
Normally this cooperation is used when “Caronte Antispam” and the SMTP service are on the same server.
Caronte Antispam Ip: port 25 -> Destination port 225
The example is indicative, the port number can change depending on your configuration.
ATTENTION: if your SMTP service doesn't support AUTH LOGIN and the RELAY is authorized to the localhost, the entire server can become an OPENRELAY.
Must remember that Caronte Antispam transports the connections to your SMTP in cooperation of service, if both services are on the same server machine, your SMTP service will see every call as LOCAL and entitled to the RELAY.
For take cover to that problem, "Caronte Antispam" by default will always answer:
"550 5.7.1 Relaying denied. "
if the connecting client didn't make the LOGIN before connection, the calling IP isn't in an allowed IP range to the RELAY or if the destination recipient of the message isn't configured as a valid email in any of the local domains configured on “Caronte Antispam”.
Cooperation with load distribution in cluster
Certainly it is one of the most beautiful feature of “Caronte Antispam”.
This type of cooperation provides a configuration with remote server of destination,it has been studied for sostain heavy loads of incoming email from internet.
In alternative, and based on the load , “Caronte Antispam” will use in cooperation one of the destination server indicated.
Clearly the configuration of your SMTP server must be in “mirror” mode.
Single destination with backup server support
This feature has the same canons and criteria of the “SMTP single destination” plus the chance to fall back on a backup server, when the first in list doesn't answer to the call.
ATTENTION: for "missed answer" we intend a missed TCP/IP connection and not a missed cooperation between services.
If your destination server respond “421 Server BUSY”, "Caronte Antispam" won't make anything but turn the same answer to the calling client.